Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year from The Secret Thread!

Duke Altum here, wishing all of you faithful readers of and contributors to The Secret Thread a happy 2006, filled with the Lord's blessings and graces (whether immediately recognizable as such or not!). We certainly hope that in this new year, you'll continue along on the journey with us as we seek the good, the true and the beautiful through the eternal treasure trove of great literature...

Just for fun, I'm going to throw out some new year's resolutions for The Thread going into 2006... like most resolutions, these may or may not be achieved. But it's fun to take stock of where you've been and where you're going when a new year dawns, and so here is what I, as founder of this blog, resolve for the 12 months ahead:

1. Continued discussion and commentary on the very best that literature has to offer, with a healthy mix of classics and contemporary works, from both your scribe and from Mutt Ploughman

2. Speaking of, we also resolve to regularly report on Mutt's ongoing fiction project, as discussed in his 3 'Journal of a "Novel"' posts from last month.

3. My Poetry of the Week feature will continue to highlight intellectually stimulating and spiritually nourishing/challenging poetry from all time periods & cultures.

4. A new intiative for the blog this year, I hope, will be periodic entries about spiritually and morally important films, along with recommendations for renting/viewing from TST contributors. Keep an eye on the right hand column for a new feature related to films.

5. I, Duke, personally resolve to continue to read and discuss classic works that have slipped off of the mainstream's radar screen, in keeping with my post from last month ('Read Farther,' December 15, 2005).

6. I also hope to highlight and discuss more non-fiction works in the coming year, and to diversify the subject matter so as to keep TST readers guessing and expand the scope of the blog (as well as, hopefully, my own knowledge). This is of particular importance as Mutt is our resident fiction authority and will probably be posting and discussing mostly on worthy classic and contemporary fiction.

I invite my partner in this initiative and sounding board for all things literary, Mutt Ploughman, to post on some of what he'd like to see for the blog in 2006, if he is so inclined... or, to just comment on the above list. And of course, as always, reader comments are not only welcomed, but enthusiastically encouraged!

May the coming year be one of moral, intellectual and (most importantly) spiritual growth for all of us. Enjoy the blog, all you fellow book nerds out there!


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