A forum for discussing great works of literature, with emphasis on how reading the classics leads to a deeper spiritual life through the inheritance of cultural wisdom and experience.
QUOTE TO REMEMBER: “Reading ought to be an act of homage to the God of all truth.” -Thomas Merton
Sunday, April 30, 2006
TST ORIGINAL POEM: "Clerihew for Tom"
Clerihew for Tom
The inimitable Mr. Cruise Has bought into ol' L. Ron's ruse. You can too, if you're wealthy and willing! Just don't think about taking top billing.
I just learned myself actually, so this was just an experiment for the fun of it... it's a light-hearted, hour-line poem with an "abab" rhyming scheme, that usually pokes fun at a celebrity... one of my favorite writers, G.K. Chesterton, wrote them all the time, but I never knew what they were... once I learned, I just thought "Hell, I'll try one." And this is what came out. I don't know why, since I haven't had Cruise on the mind lately or anything, but... well, in the words of an old friend of yours and another fine poet (yeah!)(W. Axl Rose), "take it for what it is."
I just learned myself actually, so this was just an experiment for the fun of it... it's a light-hearted, hour-line poem with an "abab" rhyming scheme, that usually pokes fun at a celebrity... one of my favorite writers, G.K. Chesterton, wrote them all the time, but I never knew what they were... once I learned, I just thought "Hell, I'll try one." And this is what came out. I don't know why, since I haven't had Cruise on the mind lately or anything, but... well, in the words of an old friend of yours and another fine poet (yeah!)(W. Axl Rose), "take it for what it is."
Sorry, weird typo there... I meant to type "four-line," not "hour-line"!?!
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